A Guide On Dental Emergencies

As a dental practice, we understand dental emergencies are common and require prompt and professional treatment. Dental emergencies can arise from a variety of causes, whether they're due to preexisting conditions, sudden injuries, or newly developed problems.

This article aims to help you identify when you have a dental emergency, when you should seek the immediate aid of a dental professional, what to expect from your visit and general post-treatment advice.

When Is A Dental Emergency?

Quite simply, a dental emergency is a dental-related issue that requires immediate attention, and the patient cannot wait or delay care. This is usually due to immense pain caused by a dental-related issue, bleeding, or trauma, such as an injury caused by a sporting injury or general accident. Another common cause is infection, which, if left untreated, can potentially lead to life-threatening complications. If you believe you have a dental emergency, it is imperative to contact a dental professional, as delaying treatment can lead to more severe pain and additional issues.

Common Types Of Emergencies

Dental emergencies can take many forms. Some of the most common emergencies that we see as a practice include:

  • Chronic toothache is one of the main reasons we are contacted for emergency dental care, and for good reason. Teeth are very sensitive, and due to the limited space they occupy, there is little room for swelling, which results in severe pain. The nerves within this area are also very sensitive, resulting in continuous and extreme discomfort.
  • A cracked tooth can occur for many reasons, such as biting down forcefully on hard foods such as boiled sweets. Teeth can also become brittle due to age, poor dental diet or improper usage, such as using your teeth to open a package. A cracked tooth can cause pain, increased sensitivity, complications to the neighbouring area and intense pain.
  • A trauma-related injury from playing sports or an accident. Urgent treatment is often required for teeth that have been knocked out or moved unnaturally. Dental treatment will often help prevent further damage, relieve pain and infection, and try to restore the original appearance.
  • Infection-related issues are a serious concern and need to be addressed as soon as possible. Signs of an infection are often accompanied by pain (often excessive), a bad smell, high temperature, and swelling. The pain from an infection is not just confined to the problem area and can spread further afield. Treatment is crucial and should not be delayed.
  • Existing conditions and previous dental work can sometimes lead to the need for urgent assessment. For example, old fillings can wear away after time or fail, depending upon the seriousness, it might warrant immediate attention.

What To Expect From Your Emergency Dental Visit

Experiencing a serious dental issue can be extremely daunting and traumatic, so it is essential to approach a professional dental practice with a proven track record. At Kew Road Dental, we have extensive experience dealing with emergency dental care and understand the importance of patient well-being. Below is an overview of what to expect from the moment you enter a dental practice for an emergency visit.

  • A staff member will ask you questions and start to evaluate your symptoms.
  • If necessary, pain relief may be administered.
  • A dental inspection of the actual problem area.
  • Possibility of x-rays and further tests depending upon the issue.
  • The dentist should then discuss all their findings with you, explaining why they have come to this conclusion and how they propose to treat it.
  • Depending upon the patient and findings, treatment might occur there and then.
  • Upon completion of the work, the dentist should provide you with feedback and post-treatment care guidance.
  • If required, a follow-up appointment might be booked to check on the work completed, discuss additional work, or ensure there are no further issues.


A dental emergency can be highly stressful, and you should not ignore it or worry that you are overreacting. It can sometimes be challenging to recognise a dental emergency. However, seeking professional advice and not ignoring the problem is always wise. Dental issues can quickly materialise into more serious medical issues if ignored. If you have a dental emergency or require any further information relating to this topic or dentistry in general, contact Kew Road Dental anytime.

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